What’s in a name? Well, the second commandment thinks there’s something important in a name. Don’t take the name of the Lord your God in vain. God’s name is not a curse word. It is not intended to be used to damn this or that. I’m also pretty sure Jesus’ middle name did not start with H. This commandment goes a bit deeper, too. We don’t make a thoughtless oath in God’s name. We don’t lie and use God’s name to back it up. These are all ways we can break this second commandment.
Let’s get back to the name thing really quick. Why is God’s name such a big deal? It was how God blessed His people. (Number 6:22-27) It is how God answers prayer. (John 16:23) Where God’s name is, there God is also. (Matthew 18:20) God’s name is a big deal. We should treat is with the honor it is due.
We should not only refrain from misusing God’s name. We should use it the right way. How shall we do that? We call upon God in trouble. (Psalm 50:15) We pray in His name. (John 16:23) We praise Him. (Psalm 103:1) We give thanks to Him. (Ephesians 5:20) There is a wrong way and a right way to use the Lord’s name. If we neglect either way we break this commandment.
We misuse God’s name all the time. God knows our failures and inability to keep His commandments. Jesus Christ (which means anointed one) kept this commandment perfectly. He kept it so well that He even kept it for you. He took your penalty for breaking this commandment on Himself. He also rose on the third day to reveal that His Word is true. As the bible says, “there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) This salvation is God’s free gift to you. Recognize that you do not use God’s name in the correct way. Even so, there is forgiveness in the name that is above every name (Philippians 2:9-11). What’s in the name of Jesus? Forgiveness.
Rev. Jaime Nava