Coming up, Feb 24th!

Lutherans in Africa

Lutherans in Africa

Our congregation is being invited to expand its mission work by supporting an independent LCMS mission group called Lutherans in Africa. Rev. Timothy Rossow travels the country telling congregations about this work and he will be here Sunday, February 24 at Bible Class and there will be a special missions sermon.

Lutherans in Africa is addressing the need for religious education in Africa. There are millions of Lutherans in Africa but many of them do not know what it means to be a Lutheran. Many of the pastors have never read Luther’s Small Catechism (yes, the pastors). Also, most Lutherans do not get to see a pastor but every couple of months and so they are led by untrained laymen. For ten years Lutherans in Africa has been invited by Lutheran Bishops (similar to our District Presidents) all over the continent to lead seminars to educate the pastors and lay teachers.

Two years ago we broke ground on a twenty- building seminary outside of Nairobi, Kenya and have already had dozens of seminars at this new location. God is richly blessing us.

Two buildings have already been completed at the new seminary and two more are over half done. Please come hear Rev. Rossow talk about this great work on Sunday, February 24.

Visit the website at
Lutherans in Africa

December 2018

Lutherans in Africa are supported by Lutherans in USA and…Finland! So the website is bilingual. Take a look!

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