![Wedding at Cana](http://goodshepherdyucaipa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Sun1_16.jpg)
Sermon 1/15/2022
Pr. Daniel Holm
“Do whatever He tells you.”
This is great faith on the part of Mary. Mary was kind of like the wedding coordinator. She was helping this couple during the celebration. Instead of turning to friends or others that were familiar with where to get wine Mary turned to Jesus and stated “They have no wine.” Christ responds with “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” Mary in hearing these words knows that Christ’s time is soon to come. She has faith in this man. The same man that just three days before called disciples only using His Word. She trusted in Him in rectifying the situation instead of trusting in her resourcefulness. She turns to the other helpers of the wedding and says “Do whatever He tells you.” She is basically saying even if it sounds ridiculous or outrageous listen to Him for only good can come from it.
If Mary said those words to you. “Do whatever He tells you.” Can you do it? In the epistle reading it says
The Word of God is calling you to love, honor, be zealous, fervent, patient, constant in prayer and to serve the Lord. I cannot do this even on a good day.
Moreover, He calls you to be perfect. In Matthew on the sermon on the mount Jesus says You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Be perfect. Do what He tells you to do. Look at yourself and ask yourself does this seem like an outrageous and ridiculous task. I know for me when I look to myself the old Adam that clings to me I see this as an impossible task. Be perfect. Are you in the same boat as me? Are you the married couple who could not even have enough wine for one day when traditionally wedding feasts would go for almost a whole week? Does Christ need to intervene for you that are lacking? Is your sin too heavy, are the problems in your life too big of a burden for you to carry? Perfection is too big a task for you, but He tell you to do it.
Christ’s time has come. He tells the servants “Fill the jars with water.” The total of these jars was anywhere from 60 gallons to 110 gallons. The servants who heard the word went and filled the jars to the brim. Very conservatively, this approximately 320 bottles of wine today. Remember this is on top of wine that they already had been drinking. Jesus then commands the servants to draw some and give it to the master of the feast and there the master of the feast is in awe. For I am betting this is the best wine he has ever tasted. Jesus saves this couple from shame, from entering their marriage on a sour note. Christ provides this couple with an overabundance of wine and only the highest quality. The only people that know what has happened are Mary, the servants and the disciples.
It is very interesting to see that Christ starts off His miracles with changing water into wine and ends with the Lord’s Supper promising forgiveness in wine now made His blood. Both are served at a feast. Both to save from shame. The first at this wedding in Cana he used the jars of washing and in the Lord’s Supper the blood washes you clean of your sin. Both of these made true by His Word, both of these to show His disciples that He is God. Both show the compassion He has for mankind. To show that union is of utmost importance. For this miracle is the precursor to the marriage feast that you will partake at here at this table. Here you receive wine that is priceless, wine that is the most delicious, and satisfying. In this wine, at this table, you receive the very blood of your Savior, the blood that washes you of your sin. The blood that grants you perfection by covering you.
Christ’s service to this newly married couple should remind you of what He came to do for you. You get a glimpse of both sacraments. The cleansing jars a reference to baptism and the good wine to the Lord’s Supper. The beginning of this gospel also reminds you that Christ was raised on the third day. He the bridegroom came as a man to this world so that He could unite Himself and on that third day take His bride, the Church to the Wedding feast that has no end, that is celebrated for eternity. This Wedding Feast, He serves you the wine/blood from Himself.
What does Christ tell you to do. “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
He tells you to believe in Him. Believe that He has done everything for you. He has accomplished everything for you. He remained perfect in the face of temptation. He loved the Lord genuinely, He loved mankind genuinely, He abhorred evil, and He held fast to what is good. He loves you even now with brotherly affection. He shows you honor by giving you credit for the deeds that you are only able to accomplish through the help of the Holy Spirit. He always was zealous for the Lord and for your salvation. He is fervent in Spirit and He always serves the Father. He rejoices when sinners repent and is patient with those that stray.
Believe in the Christ that saved this wedding by turning water into wine, Believe in the Christ that saves you through His death and resurrection on the cross. It is because of Him that you can leave here today knowing that you are His child, that you are forgiven by the sacrifice He made. It is through Christ that you can have joy and peace because you have been washed by the blood of the Lamb. He pours out His blessings upon you just like He did that newly married couple. He only gives you the best and He will give you an overabundance of it.
He has accomplished the impossible, He and He alone brought man back from desolation. It Christ who accomplishes what it says in Amos. Christ coming into this world raises up the booth of David that has fallen, and through Him He repairs it’s breaches and raises up it’s ruins and rebuilds it as the days of old in His death and resurrection. It is through that same fact that all nations are called by His name because His name has been placed on everyone that has been baptized in His name. He makes the mountains drip sweet wine, and because of Him the hills flow with it for the Lord’s Supper is everywhere His church is. He restores the fortunes of His people Israel because He has given us citizenship of heaven, he has made us more than conquerors. He will make sure you bear fruit and are never uprooted.
Blessed are you who have not seen and yet have believed.
Amos 9:11–15 no longer shall they be pulled up from the land
Rom. 12:6–16 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them
John 2:1–11 a wedding in Cana of Galilee