![Fishers Of Men](http://goodshepherdyucaipa.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/FishersOfMen-1024x988.jpg)
How do we get somebody else to listen to us and what we have to say? In our culture today, it seems that people think they can only be heard if they scream, yell, and shout. Maybe they shout out a concern, then they yell insults, they scream in rage and threatening tone, or they constantly snipe and nag as they wail and screech at each other. Very few people ask honest questions, it seems, and even fewer people, it seems, are willing to listen. But it is hard to listen even as it is difficult to speak quietly because it almost seems like nobody is actually interested in conversation and listening to each other, but are only interested in being right or getting their way, and so they shout others down even if they are not threatened. Then the cycle continues and gets larger and worse as others pick up the habit, so that nobody believes that they can be heard or respected unless they are the loudest, the most visible, the most destructive. We as a nation have become like the worst of toddlers responding to one another in tantrums and violent outbursts.
When toddlers behave like that. When they start kicking things, throwing things around the house, punching walls, punching brothers, sisters, or even parents, what should be done? What do you think? Should they be given their way? Oh, ok little sunflower, I will give you what you want. Here you go. Is that the way to handle it. Well only if you want that child to think that it is good, acceptable, and profitable to be a violent shouting bully brat. What that child really needs is rebuke and punishment. “You cannot have a temper tantrum when you do not get your way.” You cannot fuss, cry, shriek, shout, threaten, and then abuse and destroy objects and property that is not your own or hurt or harm people verbally or physically just because you feel outraged until you get your way.” Such behavior of selfish rage is unacceptable. It is uncivil. It is certainly unchristian. It is and will be harmful to everyone, a recipe for raising violent, unhappy, and selfish people whose behavior will only worsen over time. Unchecked, our human selfish nature, which is so clearly exhibited by childish tantrums, will only grow worse, more evil and hurtful with age if the evil within us, begins to see that it gets rewarded and gets it way for misbehavior rather than begin restrained by receiving the punishment it deserves.
What are we to do? Theodore Roosevelt once said that the best foreign policy was “to speak softly but carry a big stick”. The big stick meant to be ready in case of war. To speak softly meant to be sincere and truthful, to seek justice, never bluff, but always show respect and be willing to allow the other person (or nation) to save face in defeat.
What does that mean for a Christian? Well, as good Lutheran Christians, we should examine ourselves. The stick that accompanies us, should not be our own power and might nd pride, but it is to be the power of God’s Word and His Spirit. Have we used God’s Word and are interested in Truth or only our own way and building ourselves up? Ask yourself: “Have I been guilty of abusing others, by talking over them, shouting them down, disrespecting and insulting them, or just not listening to them?” Have we been sincere and truthful, showing respect to others, and allowing them to save face if and when we need to rebuke someone in error using God’s Word in humility and love?
Or do we think that we have been a victim of unjust actions? At that time, you have two proper options, go to that person and express your concern in the most sincere way without anger or vengeance in your heart, without wanting to make someone feel bad but rather to enact forgiveness, or you can let it go and forgive, and hope that if there is a next time, you can think of a way to disarm that person in a spirit of respect even as you attempt to rebuke the manner of the other person.
If we are honest with ourselves, we see that we have failed in treating others the way we would wish to be treated. We have also gotten caught up in the evil and selfish spirit of our flesh and the world and the cycle of cruelty. This is a spiritual ill, a sin that has flooded the world and can only be checked and changed by another voice: A still small voice. The voice of God Himself.
God, of course, can speak in howling wind, rumbling earthquake, or blazing fire, and honestly because of our sin, we deserve to receive the deafening and deadening roar of God’s voice of condemnation and the heat of the flames of true justice. In many ways He does use events in our lives and around us whether it be a pandemic, uncertain financial markets, roving bands of protestors and rioters, gangs, or even scorching heat and drought or flood, or whatever discomfort it may be. God can and will use these conditions of our sinful world to turn us back to Him and to where He speaks most clearly and profoundly to us: in the still, peaceful, and comforting voice of the Word of Law and Gospel. The key to understanding God’s voice and His word is expressed in this passage from Hebrews: “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but now in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.”
In our Gospel text Jesus spoke to Simon Peter in simple terms through simple words, to go out to sea, to drop his nets into the water, and in this simple command came the effect of God’s powerful Word, a great catch! Then Simon Peter reacted in the same way that Elijah did in our Old Testament lesson, he realized that God had revealed Himself, and was present with him in a supernatural way. He didn’t act disrespectful or casual or that it was no big deal or like “yeah, why wouldn’t God hang out with me?” Instead he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”
Simon knowing his sin, knew his unworthiness for the Lord to come to him, yet Jesus did and what was Jesus’ message: “Don’t be afraid.” This is the message that we need to hear when we realize the enormity of our sin, when we understand how we cannot put all our hopes in this life, in the governments of this world, the medical community, or anything or anyone else. We need to tune out those loud and screaming voices and the selfish voice within our own soul which crying out in pride. Instead, we need to return to the place of the crucifixion, to hear the voice in the midst of the shouts and insults of the cruel mockers speak in relative whisper, “Father forgive them” and “It is finished”. The cross of Jesus Christ does not even need to speak in order to convey the words of God’s Law and His Gospel for you and me. It is God’s justice and wrath that Jesus had to die for our sins, but we see and hear His love and mercy all wrapped up into one moment in history.
These words and this message may seem to be foolishness and stumbling blocks to unbelievers, but it is the message of salvation: of your salvation. This cross is God showing His love for humanity in His own humanity taking our sin away.
This is the stick from which we are able to speak softly to others. We speak Christ crucified to them, even as you and I were spoken to in God’s still small voice through Jesus Christ. For the Lord still speaks, not always in great oratory and speeches, but by His Holy Scriptures, through the pastors and teachers called to proclaim Him publicly. He speaks through the simple Words of Holy Baptism where He declares people to be His own and washes them in the blood of that cross of Jesus bringing them into the hope and promise of eternal life by faith in Him.
He speaks through the simple words of absolution in answer to our confession of unworthiness and for the sake of Christ, He proclaims that we are forgiven and renewed again.
He speaks life and comfort in the words of Institution and in the words, “Take eat, and take drink”. In this sacrament we are visited by God’s supernatural presence and it should be taken seriously, yet, in faith, fear Him not. He desires that you take this in faith in His own words for your benefit and good: for the forgiveness of sins. Doubt not. Do not believe those who teach otherwise.
And the Lord continues to speak through you who have now heard His Word and have been gathered to Him by faith. Now you through your words, your actions, and your vocations can speak to a world that no longer understands the simple dignity and respect that all men and women deserve who are born and yet unborn. You do not have to shout others down, nor do you have to fear if unbelievers try to shout you down. Speak softly and purely God’s Word. You have the hope and joy of forgiveness and God’s love for you in Jesus Christ. And you know what? He knows your voice. He hears you in your thoughts, your songs, your actions, your prayers, sorrows, and joys, and He is leading you onward, heavenward, giving you all that you need not only for your body, but your soul. Faith to be gathered to Him here, to listen to and know His voice, to follow His cross even unto eternal life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Pr. Aaron Kangas