Today we begin today the Last Sundays of the Church Year. There are, in fact, only 3 Sundays left before we begin the season called Advent which marks the start of a new church year. As we approach the end of the church year and the beginning of Advent and a new year, we turn our attention to Christ’s second or final advent, that is, His triumphant coming back to the earth to judge the living and the dead which will bring about a new aeon or time for the church: the time of triumph and eternal glory. Therefore, with our Scripture Readings, we turn our eyes upon those things that have to do with the End Times. In the Holy Gospel we hear Jesus preaching to His Disciples on the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem during the Holy Week just before His crucifixion and resurrection. In many ways these sermons are His last will and testament and teaching to them before He would be glorified and then ascended before them into heaven. These are words to pay attention to for every generation, but to those of us in this generation and time, many of Christ’s words seem to be coming true even now, therefore the end, we imagine must be coming nigh.
Jesus said, “If anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Yet, this is what we have heard so often. With “new prophecies”, those speaking of raptures and hidden returns of Christ, and the like, it is easy to see with a biblical lens how busy the devil has been in the world. He has been multiplying all kinds of false religions and denominations and false prophets and false teachers throughout the world. All around us are many voices claiming to speak for Christ.
How confusing it is for a poor, bewildered soul! How can you know which voice is the right one? They are so deceptive, these false voices. They use the name of Christ. They teach from the Bible, or at least from parts of it. They seem like good, loving men and women, so loving, so accepting, so just. It seems so difficult to tell the true voices from the false.
But Christ has warned you in advance. There is no room for excuses. Those who are wise by learning from the Scriptures should be able to discern where the true Christ is and where the false christs are.
So. I tell you: Do not look for signs and miracles. There are many counterfeit miracles to dazzle your eyes. Do not look for visions and angels, for angels of light may actually be satan in disguise. Do you not know that Satan can easily deceive the eyes and ears, he knows the hearts and minds of men and women. Therefore even signs and wonders of space people, UFOs, and aliens could be satanic manifestations to cause people to doubt God’s Word.
Do not think that truth must be held by those who seem most pious and godly. It is easy to make a show of righteousness by the flesh. Remember that good works in the eyes of the world, no matter how spectacular and amazing they seem, are nothing in the eyes of God without true love and faith.
Where is Christ? Where is He to be found? Is he everywhere? Anywhere I want or don’t?
On a Sunday morning, many people go looking for Christ, here, there, and everywhere. Some say, “He’s in my heart, so I can worship God in my pajamas at home.” Some say, “He’s in nature, so I can worship God by going hunting.” Some say, “I can watch the man on television, or read my favorite book. Anything that teaches prosperity or fearsome law, or a church that excuses my sin or just makes me feel good.” Many just through up there hands and say, “who knows? Who cares?” So very sad, because He will come to judge in terror, but in the meantime, He comes with hope, healing, and teaching.
The devil is very tricky in using the flesh and the world to keep people from finding Christ where He is for them with all His wonderful grace and truth: that is in a right-teaching church. The devil tells us, such churches seem boring, cold, and lacking in good works. “Surely God is not there, with these hypocrites” they say. But you – seek out Christ where He has promised to be.
If the deceptions in the world were to continue forever, then even the elect of God would eventually be deceived and led astray. Therefore, God will cut this time of deception short.
For now, we must be discerning. We must avoid the smooth talk of deceivers. We must avoid the easy paths of false shepherds. We must avoid lawlessness which brings the coldness of hearts and agnostic unbelief.
We must go to where Christ where He truly is, where the Holy Spirit works through the words of Jesus Christ. We may not even recognize at first but later say, “Did our hearts not burn within us while He talked with us, and opened to us the Scriptures?
For He is here today. He is speaking now. He is wherever His Gospel is spoken in purity and truth.
This is why the devil tries to tempt you away by saying, “He is here! He is there! You must, run and find Christ elsewhere!” The only thing the devil cares about is to get you away from this House and this Word. If he tempts you away, then you have not found Christ, but lost Him. Mind you, the devil is a master at his job. He blinds the eyes and dazzles the senses. He knows a thousand tricks to harden men’s hearts. His illusions and false signs never feel evil, but they feel good and wholesome and godly. Many have been deceived, and led astray. Many are not following the Word of God, but their own hearts. They place their own emotions upon the throne of authority, where Christ and His Word should be.
But flee to the mountain. Go to the one Rock of salvation that can save your souls. Build your house upon the one solid foundation that can never collapse.
Dear brothers and sisters, blind yourselves to all things in heaven and on earth except this one thing: The Gospel of Christ and Holy Scripture. See and hear only that, and the devil will not be able to lead you away.
This is the real, pure doctrine: that we are redeemed by Christ from our sins, from death, and from satan by His death and resurrection. We are planted in the kingdom of God through the Word and faith and made free from all manmade law. We are no longer under the condemnation of God’s Law because Christ has come to us, He has spoken to us and given us faith. No man, whoever he might be, can enter into the Kingdom of God through the works of the law nor be made free from sin, but only through Christ. Where this Gospel is preached, there is Christ.
As the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. Except that the Greek “aetion” means eagle. Therefore as the world is freaking out and going where there is no Christ but only falsehood, may you be found where Christ gives His Body and Blood. As eagles feasting upon the crucified and raised corpse of Jesus Christ for strength. There He is. Even now as we eat and drink where He is, it comes to pass:
“they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
He gives us wing and freedom of strength over the troubles and woes of sin and death where He gathers the true church already even as the angels will come and gather us at the last day. In this one place on earth, more than any other, Christ dwells. Here He is now. In no other place does He bring His presence here in this way, in bread and wine. Only on the last day will He manifest Himself in a greater way. As St. paul declares in 1 Corinthians “as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup, we show the Lord’s death until He comes.”
Here is Christ! For you!
We have too often been absent, and too often been half-hearted or distracted. Although we know that this is where Christ is, we have let other things be more important than Him. We have sought out other “christs”.
Yet for all our disobedience, He still seeks and calls us and saves us. Bringing us back to the font, back to absolution, back to the fold, to His body, the true temple of sacrifice and reconciliation with God. To the place where Jesus Christ promises to come to you with His power and glory perceived by believers of each generation until He comes again in full power and glory when the whole world shall see it and cry out in woe.
But we, we shall rejoice in that day. Our salvation will have come to full revelation in that day. We do not fear the end, but we use this time to speak and witness to a world of lawlessness and lovelessness of the law and love fulfilled for life eternal in Christ. To a turbulent and dying world, we point to the true Christ where this Savior truly is now. In His peace we remain. We know where Christ is, and we pray to remain in this life, steadfast in being brought to where He is, crucified and raised for the forgiveness of our sins.
When He returns, with the glory of God and the flash of lightning and the thunderous voice of the Archangel, then you will be found where Christ is. If you are gathered with Him in this life, then you will be with Him forever and ever in the life that is yet to be fully realized. In death, in life, in eternity, He is your forever. He has marked you as His own possession, and He will never let you go.
In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.
Pr. Aaron Kangas