Take Heart, Your Sins Are Forgiven You

Arise Take Thy Bed
Arise Take Thy Bed

There is a saying: “Actions speak louder than words.” People might say things, but their actions often tell a different story. If the words contradict their actions, it is far easier to believe the meaning of the actions than those words which do not match. Actions reveal where the heart really is, despite the words coming out of the mouth. For example, if somebody tells you that they love their spouse, but they are having affairs or are they physically or verbally abusing them, is that loving? It’s pretty clear where their heart is, isn’t it?

This morning’s Gospel lesson said that Jesus saw the faith of the friends who brought the paralytic to Him. How did He see their faith? In addition to the fact that He really could see into the hearts of men and women, He saw their faith by their actions. In fact, everyone did. It was hard to miss. Such faith according to St. Luke’s account of this morning’s text was willing to make a big hole in the roof, and lower down their paralytic friend for an impromptu face-to-face meeting with Jesus.

The evidence of such faith was real. They believed in Jesus and wanted to present their friend to Jesus to be healed. They knew that Jesus could help, and they weren’t going to let crowds and roofs get in the way of being in the presence of Jesus. Such faith was physically making itself known. There was no disconnect between faith and action. Their actions matched their faith in Jesus.

Many Christians hear this lesson and say wait: “God doesn’t look at the outside and actions. God only looks at the heart.” He does look at the heart, but the thoughts of the heart give evidence by the action of the person. You cannot say that you have faith in Jesus Christ and love for Him, then choose something else over Him and church on a Sunday morning, for example.

Now, does Jesus know the hearts of men? Does Jesus know the Truth, despite all the right phrases and catchwords being parroted out in the name of “faith”? He can tell the difference between good works done in faith and good works done in unbelief. Scripture tells us this all the time. You can’t fool God. He is not mocked or deceived. He is not a “respecter of persons,” meaning that God’s not impressed with who your daddy is or how good you were in high school or how much money you put in the offering plate if it isn’t done with faith. God doesn’t care how many Beth Moore or Joel Osteen or other so-called Chrisitan books you’ve read, or how many mission trips/vacations you’ve taken. All those Facebook pictures you post showing how much of a “humble servant” you are, those are not what impresses God. 

What impresses God is a humble heart, a repentant heart which seeks forgiveness, help, strength, and comfort only from the Lord. The paralyzed man must have had that. That is why Jesus forgave the man His sins, first. It was this forgiveness of sins, that would encourage and cheer the man as Jesus said the phrase which means, “take heart” “take courage” “be of good cheer”.

Jesus also knew the hearts of the scoffing Scribes, who were mumbling and saying to/within themselves that Jesus was blaspheming for telling the man on the stretcher that his sins were forgiven. “Why do you think evil in your hearts?” See. Jesus knows the Truth! Jesus knows the heart. 

It is true, that only Jesus can see the hypocrite’s truth, only God knows for sure what is in a person’s heart but make no mistake: You are known by your fruits. You are known for what you speak and what you do. Many people who do good and say they are Christian are not in their hearts but hypocrites, yet how can a person not do what is good and right and still call themselves Christian? Faith is able to be witnessed. Yet, faith is never trying to impress anyone but the Lord. There is real and tangible evidence of faith. As Jesus said earlier in Matthew “You are that which lights the world. A city on a hill that cannot be hidden.” What do you think Jesus is talking about in here?! You can see faith! You SHOULD see faith!

The faith of those who brought the man was doing what faith in Jesus does: bearing good and God-pleasing fruit. Their faith wasn’t seeking their own good, attention, or glory. They didn’t have to try and convince everyone that they really were good people who loved and trusted in Jesus. They showed it. Their faith was seeking Christ. Everyone in the room could see it. 

Do people see this kind of faith in Jesus coming from you? Are you also worried about bringing your family, friends, coworkers, classmates and others to Jesus? Are you so eager to come to church every Sunday, because you know you need it? You get to see and hear Jesus here. You get to lay your sins upon Him and confess your sins, and lay your weaknesses before Him and your brothers and sisters in Christ. You are not here to impress your them. You are not here because you just happen to have an open schedule…I would hope.

If that is not why you are here, repent! The Lord knows what is in your heart. If you are comfortable in blending in with the world during the week, repent, that is not the fruit of faith. If you think that you shouldn’t care about the salvation and rescue of others who have wandered from the faith, repent! If you think that you are better than others because of anything that you have done, repent!

Now listen, oh repentant ones. Jesus says to you this day: “Take heart, your sins are forgiven you.” The actions of God back up His promises. You can know the heart of God through His actions for you and for the world. He said, “I do not desire the death of all”, so He sent of Himself, the Word, Jesus, the Christ. He came to show us the affirmation of the truth of His love, and His words, by His actions. The Son of God, humbled Himself. He fulfilled the Law in His human flesh. He showed mercy and revealed His plan and the wisdom that we need in His teaching, and the mercies that are present and yet to come in His showing mercy to sinners: the sick, the needy, raising the dead; forgiving sins. Then He took their sins, your sins, my sins, upon His innocent flesh. Knowing the impurity of our hearts and our rebellion, He nevertheless laid down His life upon the cross, to pay the cost of our trespasses so that we might have eternal life.

Truly the actions of our God speak loudly to His Word. I want you to look right here [the crucifix]. Here is the font and source of living, saving faith. The place where you were washed and born again into the crucifixion and resurrection of your Redeemer. The Holy Spirit has worked into your heart: faith. Faith by that Spirit which now wrestles against your flesh to put to death that sinful self and be changed in Christ. Here is perfect obedience of faith in God: to believe. All so that you can be freed to be joyful children of God, who live in trust and hope. So that Good works can flow from that faith. Sometimes you must make a conscious effort, but in faith, good works and doing the right thing come often without thinking.

God continues to act. He speaks to you and calls you back in His Word, calms you and soothes your heart when it is anxious and He promises to hear your prayers and answer them as a wise and loving Divine Father.

To empower, strengthen, and encourage you, a forgiven sinner, God continues to show in action the words of His love, here at the Sacrament of the Altar. Here is the real touchable proof of His faithfulness and love to you. Jesus says “Take and eat. Take and drink. This is My body. This is My blood. Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.”

Here is Christ, with you and for you! You get to meet Jesus here, already. You don’t have to wait until your body dies. Isn’t it worth everything to get here, to receive for yourself His gifts, to bring others to Him, and witness the gratitude and joy of that faith within you the rest of the week? If your faith is not visible, repent, pray and be encouraged, here… this is the only place where your faith is given the food to act as it should. And it will grow in Him. We Christians really have been blessed with a message, and a hope based not upon our worthiness or how consistent we are in our works. What hope would that be? Our hope is in God’s grace and His actions through Jesus Christ for us poor sinners. Remember that. Rejoice in that. And let that peace which passes human understanding take hold of you so that you can take heart in this life. So that you can rise and walk the walk of faith every day, because your sins have been forgiven for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pr. Aaron Kangas

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