How to Be a Real Man

Everyone is different. Even so, the information included here applies to all men (and heck, even women). We will first begin with what being a man is not. Then we will venture in true manliness. I hope you’re taking notes (taking notes of manly things is, in fact, manly).

                What makes an un-man? There are a multitude of characteristics that change a man into an un-man. The first characteristic is passing the blame. For example, when a man says something like, “My wife drove me to this point” or even, “The devil made me do it” that makes what should be a man into an un-man. Another characteristic is bullying. An un-man will see someone who is “lesser” and proceed to bully that person with language, indirect action or inaction, or even physical aggression for a false sense of superiority.  The list of the un-man is virtually limitless when one begins to consider these characteristics. A fair way to sum up the un-man is a person who places himself above all others. This infantile and selfish human being does not look to the good of his neighbor but rather sees the neighbor as a means to his own end. The un-man is essentially a spoiled, entitled brat.

Now we proceed to the characteristics of being a real man. The real man is humble. He does not toot his own horn but rather regards others as greater than himself. The real man is one who is sacrificial. He lives to provide for others. He is even willing to die to protect them. He will give the shirt off his back and go the extra mile even for a stranger. The real man is able to take it on the chin and move on. He does not go looking for a fight nor does he react to a cheap shot in kind. When he does fight, he does so for those who are unable to fight for themselves. He is not afraid to speak the truth. He does not speak the truth in a way to build himself up or tear others down. He speaks the truth to defend what is good, right, and salutary. The real man is truly a role model for the young and un-man to follow. He is respectfully remembered by all.

Reality reveals that you are an un-man. You have not been faithful with your time, your money, or your thoughts. You have sought out praise from others. You have schemed a comfortable life for yourself above all. You have not been a good role model. You do not go the extra mile. Instead you speed on the freeway to get home as soon as you can and all those others on the road are “in your way”. When someone rails against you, maybe even in the comment section of the local newspaper, you respond with even more negativity to justify yourself. You, yes you, are the un-man.

The un-man started with Adam. When caught by God with forbidden fruit he points to his wife and says, “This wife, the one you gave me, she made me do it” and then in turn she says, “the devil made me do it”. Since that Fall we have all been un-men, un-women. It is inherent in our Fallen DNA. All men, all women, we are all totally unreal.  We are not perfect.

In the person of Jesus the uncreated second person of the Trinity entered humanity as a human being; fully God and fully man. This God-Man had to eat like you. He had to sleep like you. He was even tempted like you in every way. Unlike you, He did not sin. He was humble. He spoke the truth in love. He healed and fed and brought back from the dead. Jesus was more human than even we. Jesus is a real man. What did this perfect human do? He sacrificed His own perfection to take on your ungodliness, the very thing that makes you an un-man. He took it on the chin, in His hands, and His feet. He suffered and died so you don’t have to suffer eternal punishment. He descended into hell to proclaim victory (Colossians 2:15; 1 Peter 3:18-19). He rose from death with His body still showing the marks of His sacrifice. He spearheads the way into the Real World. What does He require of you, O un-man? Nothing. There is nothing you can offer that He doesn’t already have. He is God in the flesh who died and rose to make you a real (hu)man too. By His own gift of faith you will trust this promise.  Jesus is not only a role model. Good men will come and go. Jesus is the real man who pays for all of humanities un-manliness to make even us into real men & women too.

Rev. Jaime Nava

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