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First Sunday after Easter



The Lord be with you!

Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

Let us prepare our hearts for study in God’s Word, using this Sunday’s Collect of the Day, which restates the unifying theme of this week’s readings.

Let us pray:
Almighty God, grant that we who have celebrated the Lord’s resurrection may by Your grace confess in our life and conversation that Jesus is Lord and God; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Acts 5:29–42
Look at verse 29! What gauntlet is this, that Peter and the other apostles have thrown down? “We must obey God rather than men!” Wow! Do we dare say something like that today? What if obeying God will make it harder on us? What if obeying God will bring us further pain? These apostles are careless; they don’t seem to care about their family members who suffer along with them, while they get dragged off into prison or worse for their boldness in preaching the Gospel. But if we do suffer for the sake of Jesus Christ, then these same apostles also teach us, that suffering is a high privilege. What matters the most is what Jesus accomplished for us. As Gamaliel advised his fellow Jews: if this is God’s work (and we know that it is) then there will be no way to stop it, ever. We live and survive now and forever thanks to this precious Word of truth!

1 Peter 1:3-9
Having various trials is nothing new for us. We will always have trials. We know that we must go through them. God’s Word from the Apostle Peter encourages us to be convinced that our trials test the genuineness of our faith. How does someone pass the test? How do we withstand the inevitable trials? We claim the inheritance to which we have been born. We have been baptized into God’s family, and that is more precious than gold or silver. This salvation is something we believe, not see—even though there will come a time of inexpressible joy when all will see it. Come, Lord Jesus and save us! Give us this joy that You have promised us!

John 20:19-31
This Easter reading says a lot about Thomas and his doubting. And there’s more. Thomas is absolutely correct about one thing: without the wounds of Jesus, not only he, but nobody ever will be able to believe. We need Jesus to come to us, just as He came to Thomas, just as He came to the 10 other disciples the week before, we need Jesus to come and announce Peace and forgiveness to us in His name, forgiveness based on those wounds that He showed to them all. To us, Jesus shows His wounds in the Body and Blood that He gives us to eat and drink in the Sacrament. May the day that we eat and drink that Sacrament together again come quickly, by God’s grace.

God’s power is unstoppable—of that we have been convinced from God’s Word, the Bible. That power has a look to it that is totally different from the power that the world is looking for. Of course, we would like our lives to be more comfortable; no one looks for inconveniences, trials, struggles and so on, at the very least we don’t look for these problems to happen to ourselves. We also know that the power of God is bad for us if we reflect on our sins and how we have disobeyed God’s Law that rightly condemns our thoughts, words and deeds. The true power of God, though, is not in His righteous Law, but in Jesus Christ who fulfilled the law for us. It’s in the Peace that passes understanding that comes from our Savior’s mouth and gives us peace in our hearts and boldness in our witness. We may not always be comfortable, but we have the inheritance that Peter wrote about! No one will ever take that away. And it is ours to share so that all will be rescued by the powerful grace that we have enjoyed. As is sung in today’s Hymn 470:

How blest are they who have not seen
And yet whose faith has constant been,
For they eternal life shall win.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Please feel free to leave a message, a question, a thought, a prayer request. I’d love to hear what you think.

Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia.
God bless you!

Pr. Stirdivant


Just before the angel came

Just before the angel came

The Lord be with you!

Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

Let us prepare our hearts for study in God’s Word, using this Sunday’s Collect of the Day, the perfect summary of our Easter celebration, and our desire to regather in God’s gracious presence as His redeemed Easter People.

Let us pray:
Almighty God, through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, You overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life. We humbly pray that we may live before You in righteousness and purity forever; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Jeremiah 31:1-6
We have all been reminded lately (due to our present pandemic) of those verses in the Bible that speak of God’s judgment against the land of Israel in Old Testament times due to the people’s lack of faith toward Him and their lack of love and justice for their neighbor. But this word of promise from Jeremiah, the promise that the Lord who loves us with an everlasting love will build again His virgin Church, it rings ever clearer in our ears. Keep on reading this amazing chapter! It’s the good news we’re looking for at Easter.

Colossians 3:1-4
Now, more than ever, it is time for us to set our minds on things above, and not on earthly things. How futile and fleeting are the things of this world, that so relatively little can take those comforts and conveniences away from us in the blink of an eye! We must remind ourselves that we are blessed, and this momentary affliction we’re going through will not rob us of the blessed Easter hope of our own resurrection and our life that is hidden in Christ, but will be revealed in glory on the Last Day.

Matthew 28:1-10
The account of Jesus’ resurrection in Matthew notes the interplay between “fear” and “afraid” on the one hand, and “joy” and “rejoice” on the other hand. The guards shook in unbelieving fear at the sudden appearance of the fearsome Angel of the Lord to roll back the stone from the tomb. It seems as though Jesus is already risen and gone, by the way. The women approached in fear, as could be guessed from the Angel’s immediate announcement of “Do not be afraid.” The Easter good news is that the Lord who once lay there dead in the tomb, God in flesh who gave up His life, is risen and has taken Life back up again as His prize to share with all who believe. The women leave the tomb, still with fear, but now that fear is tied in with God-given joy, as the risen Jesus Himself appears to them and says, “Greetings,” or literally from the Greek, “Rejoice!” May we too rejoice this Easter and for the rest of our lives, for we shall rejoin all the disciples and meet with our Savior at His appointed time, to live before Him in righteousness and purity forever.

Joy is not a feeling that we can stir up within ourselves. Joy must come to us from God, who gives everything, including Himself, to us. Just as we could not have saved ourselves from eternal death, so too we could not have concocted a feeling to replace the joy that can only come to us from Jesus. This is why we set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. And Hebrews proclaims, our Savior “for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising its shame, and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father.” He suffered, knowing that pure joy was ahead of Him, joy that His sacrifice would earn forever. And that Easter joy that we hear this day will rebuild us as God’s people, until the glorious final day of our own resurrection from the dead. What a joyful day that too will be!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Please feel free to leave a message, a question, a thought, a prayer request. I’d love to hear what you think.

Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia.

God bless you!

Pr. Stirdivant

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

Processional and Stained-Glass Crosses

Processional and Stained-Glass Crosses

The Fourth Chief Part: Holy Baptism
Good Shepherd Lutheran – Yucaipa, California
April 9-10, 2020
✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝

In the name of the Father, and of ✝ the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Two days, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, bring together in one all to which the words of our Lord Jesus Christ pointed us. When He promised Nicodemus a new birth, a birth from above by water and the Holy Spirit in Baptism, He kept that promise when on the night He was betrayed, He washed His disciples’ feet in loving, sacrificial service, and when He poured out His blood like water on the day of His crucifixion. When He said that His body is true food and His blood is true drink, He backed up the Christian’s spiritual feeding on Christ in faith with a real, in-the-mouth gift of His true body and blood, sacrificed on Calvary and hidden in, with, and under bread and wine in the Holy Supper that He hosted for the Twelve, saying, “Do this, often, in remembrance of Me.”

It never does well for us to doubt the words of Christ. I don’t think we intentionally do so, but when we react in fear or anxiety at our situation around us, or when our faith doesn’t seem as strong as we wanted it to be, then we fall for the temptation to doubt the words that give us salvation and life. The words of Christ on these two days, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, remove not only our anxieties and fears, but most importantly they remove our sins, our barriers to God our Father and the eternal life He designed for us to enjoy. The words of Christ accompany the holy actions of the God-Man Jesus that are described on these two days with the richest detail in all four of our Gospel books. When He says, whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved, that means Jesus has done everything necessary to back up that unbelievably comforting promise that’s given to every Baptized Christian.

The Words of our Lord are spoken not only on Maundy Thursday, the night that Jesus instituted the Sacrament of the Altar, but every time we participate together in Holy Communion. This repetition of Christ’s Words comprises the remembrance that Jesus desired from our hearts every time our lips receive the purchase price for our heavenly home. When Jesus said this Bread is His Body, we should believe His Word. When He says this Wine is His Blood, we should believe His Word. No further thought on our part is needed; we don’t need to guess whether the bread changes into Christ’s Body at the moment it touches our lips or sometime before. Or that the wine has to be red in order to look like Christ’s Blood. Just believe the Words, and it is so. Jesus takes care of all the rest. And on the Cross, when Jesus says, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do, we can be certain that we are forgiven too. The suffering and death that He went through on these two important days guarantee those words and bring them home to us.

Good thing that Christ’s Words bring salvation home! That’s where we are stuck for another couple weeks! We must remember that we are the Church, and no amount of government-mandated separation or social-distancing can destroy the Church. Even though we are robbed of our usual way of gathering to hear Christ’s all-important words on these two big days, we still have the Voice of Jesus, our Good Shepherd, guiding us with His saving Words, and backing up those words with the actions that we recall and worship with holy adoration. Blessings to you on these two holy days, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday!

Pr. Mark Stirdivant

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Pr. Mark Stirdivant:

The Lord be with you! This Sunday, April 5, is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Even though we aren’t gathered together in the usual way, the facts remain that this is the week of our Lord’s gracious gift of His sacrifice for our eternal salvation.

Let us prepare our hearts for study in God’s Word, using this Sunday’s Collect of the Day, which gives us a helpful theme to begin our contemplation on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us pray:
Almighty and everlasting God, You sent Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, to take upon Himself our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross. Mercifully grant that we may follow the example of His great humility and patience and be made partakers of His resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Isaiah 50:4-9
Isaiah depicted the Messiah with vivid terms throughout the latter part of the book that now bears his name. Remember the Ethiopian eunuch in the book of Acts who asked Philip, “Tell me, of whom is the prophet speaking, himself or another?” You can see the man’s confusion, because Isaiah spoke of the Christ’s sacrificial passion as though it were happening to himself. Jesus was the Suffering Servant, who was actually willing to suffer, verse 6: “I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; I hid not my face from disgrace and spitting. But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced.” Yet when Isaiah asks the question, “Who will declare me guilty?” the ironic twist is that for Jesus, before He is vindicated ultimately by the Resurrection on Easter, first He must be “declared” guilty on the cross and die for your sins and mine, that He didn’t do, but willingly took responsibility for.

Philippians 2:5-11
This is probably a song or a chanted text that Paul quoted from the Early Church hymnal, if you will. The Passion of Our Lord is His great humiliation; He lowered Himself not only to be a man, but to be the lowliest of men. Then we have the early Easter announcement that God the Father raised Him to glory, as Jesus Himself said at the end of Matthew 28: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me…”

Matthew 27:11-66
The Passion reading has been used on Palm Sunday for a couple generations now. It will be repeated as Holy Week goes on. This year, the focus is on Matthew’s perspective of the all-important Good Friday events. I suggest you include the entire Matthew chapters 26 and 27 in your home devotions this coming week.

The saying “In like a lion, out like a lamb,” tends to remind us of what to expect of the weather in the month of March, as the seasons change from end of winter to beginning of spring. We can see a similar pattern, though, in this climactic week of our Lord Jesus Christ’s mission of mercy for the salvation of the world. On Palm Sunday, the triumphant Messiah entered the city gates of Jerusalem with cheers of the crowds and hopes of victory in the air. On Good Friday, the great Lion of Judah has become the Lamb who gave Himself willingly for our ransom.

The hymn that rejoices in what Christ’s sacrifice has won for us is “A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth” LSB 438, especially stanza 4:
  Lord, when Your glory I shall see
  And taste Your kingdom’s pleasure,
  Your blood my royal robe shall be,
  My joy beyond all measure!
  When I appear before Your throne,
  Your righteousness shall be my crown;
  With these I need not hide me.
  And there, in garments richly wrought,
  As Your own bride shall we be brought
  To stand in joy beside You!

In the name of the Father, and of the ✝ Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Please feel free to leave a message, a question, a thought, a prayer request.
I’d love to hear what you think.
God bless you!

Sunday, March 29, 2020 Fifth Sunday in Lent

Lazarus Come Out!

Lazarus Come Out!

Pr. Mark Stirdivant:

The Lord be with you! This Sunday, March 29, is the fifth Sunday in Lent. We are a week away from Palm Sunday and Holy Week, even though the pace of life for us these days is quite different from what we’re typically used to. A week away may seem longer than usual!

Let us prepare our hearts for study in God’s Word, using this Sunday’s Collect of the Day, which gives us a helpful theme for our Lenten Resurrection celebration.
Let us pray: Almighty God, by Your great goodness mercifully look upon Your people that we may be governed and preserved evermore in body and soul; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

The Introit at the beginning of the service is from Psalm 116, and it focuses the Christian mind on hope for life in the face of death. In verse 15 there’s this lovely verse: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” God sees the horrible outcome of death through different glasses—glasses tinted with the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ! Because of the cross, death is now different. It’s even precious, thanks to what our Good Shepherd has done for us!

The Ezekiel 37 vision is the well-known “dry bones” story. How many of you remember singing about how the leg-bone is connected to the ankle bone? Even though dry bones are raised up, clothed with flesh and given the breath of life, the real resurrection that Ezekiel witnessed in his encounter was the encouraging promise that through all trials and evils of this life, Christ and His eternal kingdom of righteousness by grace reign supreme.

Romans 8:1-11 begins a wonderful comforting chapter of Scripture with a profound exclamation: There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! No condemnation is more than the lack of a bad thing—it’s all the good things, the blessings of God that were earned for us by Christ’s cross payment, that come with it that flood the whole chapter that follows. We are not in the flesh, nor minded toward things of the flesh anymore. Our perspective has been graciously changed (thanks be to God!) to things of the Spirit and eternal life.

John 11 is the story of Jesus raising Lazarus. This is the great miracle leading up to John’s account of Holy Week. Perfect reading for the Fifth Sunday in Lent! The buzz about Lazarus was still buzzing when Jesus was riding the donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday! Martha is a striking character to follow through John chapter 11. Remember the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10? Martha was distracted with cooking and preparations and took it out on Jesus that Mary wasn’t helping her! Then here she states the beautiful hope in her brother’s resurrection at the last day, to which Jesus responds, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Yet, just as Jesus orders the tomb to be opened, Martha spoke up with the distracted observation, Hey, Jesus, there’s going to be a stink after 4 days of a dead body being in the tomb! That’s just like we are, and Jesus comforts us, too.

As we look forward to God’s promise to be governed and preserved evermore in body and soul, as we prayed at the beginning, we can use this hymn stanza to solidify our confidence in Christ, from hymn 552:

O Christ, who shared our mortal life
And ended death’s long reign,
Who healed the sick and raised the dead
And bore our grief and pain:
We know our years on earth are few,
That death is always near.
Come now to us, O Lord of Life;
Bring hope that conquers fear!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Please feel free to leave a message, a question, a thought, a prayer request. I’d love to hear what you think. Remember to press the pound key when you’re done. God bless you!

Message Center: 641 715-3800     366872#

Ezek. 37:1–14 O dry bones hear the word of the LORD!
Psalm 130 If You, LORD should mark iniquities, O LORD, who could stand?
Rom. 8:1–11 there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus
John 11:1–53 I am the resurrection and the life.

God’s Gifts

An email from Pastor Stirdivant:

A Man Born Blind

A Man Born Blind

We have beautiful stories to read and reflect upon in our liturgy, and even though I’m not as technically savvy as the other talented pastors I know, I can explore with you God’s gifts for us all in the readings we were set to hear in the coming days, virus or no virus. Feel free to reply all or to me anything you would like to talk about, and if you are interested in having a live event (service/Bible study) together, if possible. My cell phone remains at the ready for you to call me anytime, as always has been my policy. I am not too busy! I will attempt to be in touch with as many of our Good Shepherd’s flock as I can, God helping me. So far, the next Divine Service scheduled is Maundy Thursday, April 9, in case you haven’t heard that announcement yet. We can continue to read God’s Word and pray, because social distancing cannot keep our Savior away from us at any time! He walked in our delicate, disease-prone flesh. He chose to die of sin, of Covid-19, of cancer, of botched surgery, of a car accident, of anything else we humans have died from. Jesus took those diseases and evils voluntarily and willingly, and His death conquered their fearful reign of terror over us. You, dear Christians, have also defeated this hideous enemy that has rocked our world these past few days. Jesus said, Take heart! I have overcome the world. That includes this very worldly pandemic.

This year, the season of Lent has walked us through the Gospel of John. There have been some long Gospel readings, but these stories are intended by the Holy Spirit to be our story, not just the story of Nicodemus, the woman at the well, or next Sunday, the man born blind. We need to place ourselves in the shoes of these people whom Jesus helped one-on-one, for that is what His mission of love is to do–save you for eternal life! One thing this state of emergency can do for us, is to clarify and cut through the noise of day-to-day life (which is quite different these days!) and find new insights that will further enlighten God’s blessed Word to us. Let’s look through the three readings:

Isaiah 42:14-21
Only One can lead the blind out of darkness into light, and that is the God who has created us. Can a blind person say together with Luther, “I believe that God has made me, … and given me my body and soul, eyes, ears and all my members… and still takes care of them”? Of course, we all can, even if we’re deaf, or our other members seem like God doesn’t take care of them anymore. But He does. in the resurrection our bodies will be fully restored. In the mean time, He sent Jesus to absorb all evil and impairment in His human flesh. He sends His holy Word to open our spiritual eyes to see His favor toward us. He opens our ears to hear His forgiveness and our mouths to declare His praise.

Ephesians 5:8-14
Awake, O sleepers! Rise from death, and Christ will shine on you. What a blessed Word that Paul repeated to those who would hear his epistle read out loud in church. But when you read it at home, it is still a powerful Word of light that God is shining also on you and your family, whether you’re together or separated for the time being. Let no one deceive you with empty words…. We will have numerous imposters trying to take advantage of our current condition. We are being warned not to share our personal information with anybody, especially suspected scammers. Let’s also resist the temptation to use this time at home to revel in darkness and self-centeredness. I can tell you from experience, because I am regularly going through everything from stir-craziness to outright dispiritedness. Let’s together say no to the darkness and fix our thoughts on things that are above, and severely limit our exposure to things below, including the non-stop news mania. That is a bad disease to avoid also.

John 9
The entire chapter is worth reading, as it follows up on the young man who was born blind, but then healed by the God in flesh Savior Jesus. Who is blind? Who are the seeing? The answers change midway through the story in a dramatic way. The judgmental law-worshippers condemn the man and his parents for committing a sin that led to the dreadful condition that met this man. Are we tempted to think someone or we ourselves brought calamity upon us? Are we mad at the negligence that didn’t contain this disease when there was a better chance? The more we focus on the law, the more we have to admit that because of our sins we don’t deserve to take the next breath of life in our lungs. Once we realize that, the healing Lord comes to us, helpless and condemned, and recovers our sight with forgiveness and eternal life. We will not perish! We see our Savior, and we know we’ll be okay, even if we’ll go through challenges, famines, pandemics, anything. What matters is that we’re with Jesus now, or He has come to stay with us, to be correct.

Amazing Grace is sometimes an overused hymn, but it does have the well-known line that refers to the miracle of healing for the man born blind. We all once were blind but now we see. Feel free to sing it!

The Epistle is quoted in another hymn we had planned for this Sunday: 697- Awake, O Sleeper, Rise from death and Christ will give you light. … Awake, arise, go forth in faith, and Christ shall give you life.

Feel free to respond to this email to me, to the group, to the Facebook page, wherever you’re reading this. If you want to forward it on to a friend or loved one, please do, as long as you don’t change my words. If you feel I misspoke somewhere, please contact me and we can talk about it. I may need to explain it better or retract any falsehood that missed my poor sinful nature’s attempt to maintain doctrinal integrity. So help me God, for I cannot do it on my own. Neither can you. We’ll receive God’s gifts for beggars together, because that is what we are.

With the Good Shepherd’s love for you all,
Pastor Mark B. Stirdivant

Sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent: March 15, 2020 jj

Rev’d Mark B. Stirdivant, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Yucaipa, California
✝ sdg ✝

Water From The Rock

Water From The Rock

They used to be on TV only late at night or very early in the morning. Now you can see one any time of day. They’re infomercials – advertising video segments that could run from 5 minutes to an hour or more that try to convince you their product is the most amazing thing to come along ever, that it slices and dices and makes you look “years younger” – and that you just can’t live without it. Their producers hope you have a strong enough desire for such grand promises to be true, but you have to wonder how many people who’ve spent their money buying these potions feel as if they received their money’s worth. Most still feel like they’re missing out on something – and wonder, of course, why they aren’t as energetic, enthusiastic or as good looking as those people advertising on TV!

Of course, don’t we all know from experience that much of what’s advertised is seldom what it’s cracked up to be? We really don’t need those things nearly as much as the advertisers claim, right? But having said that, I think it’s safe to say that there is something we each have a very deep need for – even though we don’t admit it for what it is. That’s the thirst we all feel deep down inside our souls for the righteousness and forgiveness of God. The problem, however, is that by nature we’d prefer not to recognize this great need. Often we don’t feel spiritually thirsty, and so God needs to “advertise” that fact to us, you could say, so that we might realize our soul’s desperately dehydrated condition.

That advertisement comes to you today as you hear the Samaritan woman’s thirst for “Living Water” in response to Jesus’ words: “Whoever drinks of this plain, ordinary water will thirst again. But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst again. The water that I give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” Now, if like the woman at the well, you think Jesus is speaking of the type of drink that will soothe your physical pain and satisfy your earthly appetite, then you’ve misunderstood the “advertisement.” For this is another type of drink entirely. This drink satisfies the guilt of your sin, absorbs it in fact. It quenches all your worries about God’s wrath and punishment, quells your accusations that the Lord dealt you a bad hand in life, and it refreshes you with the promise of eternal joy and resurrection in Christ our Lord.

As the Samaritan woman would soon learn, this water would completely change her life and make her a child of God. That’s why Jesus had to “advertise” it to her – because she was looking only for something to address her day-to-day needs. She was hoping to get the kind of water necessary for normal drinking, cooking and cleaning – as opposed to the kind of Living Water Christ was offering! But are you any different? Don’t you tend to see your needs only in terms of your own immediate wants and desires? For instance, on many occasions your need for a reliable income might seem more important than your need for forgiveness. A peaceful weekend might seem more precious at times than coming to God’s House and receiving His true peace. Your lunch choice after church and your dinner table at home might look more inviting than the Lord’s Supper. Recreation and leisure time might at times have a higher priority in your life than worship. So, today Jesus is “advertising” to each one of you concerning the need you have for His “Living Water” gifts – for indeed, all of us are spiritually dehydrated, whether we feel it or not.

If you’ve learned anything about surviving summer here in the Desert Southwest, one of the things you’ll be sure to have heard is that you have to drink lots and lots of liquid – even though you might not feel your thirst initially. So, the rule to follow is this: Even though you might not feel thirsty, you have to assume that you are. And that same rule applies to your spiritual thirst. It doesn’t matter how much you think you need God’s forgiveness and righteousness, the truth is, you always need it. Without it you’ll trudge through this life’s desert until finally you collapse and fall headlong into the endless heat of hell’s fiery oven.

Like the woman at the well, you also live in the desert of your sins. Though you may not know it, because of the sin that sticks to your human nature, you are spiritually parched and about to collapse – that is, until God comes to your rescue. First He shows you how thirsty you are when He preaches His Law to you. God’s Law clearly demonstrates and advertises if you will what you’ve done and not done – how you haven’t kept His Commandments, haven’t shown love for either God or your neighbor, but rather hurt them in a way they can feel or behind their backs. The holy Law also reveals the perfect life you haven’t lived – all of which demonstrates beyond any shadow of doubt how dried-out and shriveled-up you are without Jesus.

Then, Christ fills you with His “Living Water” by creating faith in your heart, so that you believe in the promises of the Gospel. In the “Living Water” of Holy Baptism, God has given you new life – and re-hydrated your thirsty soul by the power of the Holy Spirit working through water and the Word – and without this we most certainly would have perished eternally.

As Jesus says in other places, this “Living Water” is no magic potion on TV or a special product that only a chosen few are to receive. Actually it’s something we’re all quite familiar with – it’s the Holy Spirit. And when you pray in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom Come,” the Catechism reminds you that God’s Kingdom comes when Jesus gives you His Holy Spirit. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that she needs this “Living Water” – because for salvation and eternal life it is absolutely essential. You need the Holy Spirit because, just as your body needs water to live, so likewise your soul needs the Holy Spirit, who connects you to Jesus. It’s impossible to understand God’s Word without the help and aid of the Holy Spirit. The Sacraments can do nothing to create or sustain faith within you without the Spirit’s presence and power that is in God’s Word. The nutrients you need to live a Godly life in response to that faith cannot be channeled into your heart were it not for the work of the Spirit acting as the “Agent” through whom the benefits of these gracious gifts of God are delivered to you.

Consider also how necessary water is for the cleansing of your blood, and for the elimination of harmful wastes. So also then God’s “Living Water” is required in order that your soul might be cleansed and the harmful wastes of your old sinful nature eliminated. Through Baptism you’ve been washed clean of your sin – and by daily remembrance of your Baptism, the Holy Spirit is continually at work – daily ridding you of sin and death. In Baptism your Old Adam has been crucified with Christ, so that the body of sin might be done away with. Christ’s death has become your death, and Christ’s life becomes your life – so that more and more – every day – your life might continue to be molded to the life of our Savior.

Think about how water cools the body and maintains a proper operating temperature. In like manner, the Holy Spirit also cools and comforts you during trials and temptations – even though the devil may be attacking you and trying to destroy your faith. It’s the Holy Spirit who keeps your faith strong during the struggles of sickness, death of loved ones, conflict, doubt, despair and other difficult times. Through all of these the Holy Spirit comforts and cools you by reminding you of the Lord’s power to protect and preserve you in any situation of life. It’s the Spirit who directs you to God’s promises in Christ – and He alone is the Source of all comfort and hope.

Finally, water is what causes you to be able to breathe in the breath of life. Without the right amount of moisture in your lungs, the proper exchange of oxygen can’t take place. Perhaps that’s parallel to how the Holy Spirit works in prayer – since prayer is the “vital breath” of the Christian. In spite of the fact that you don’t always know what to pray for, the Spirit Himself is always interceding for you with groanings that are too deep for words. He makes intercession, a specific request to the Father, for all the saints on earth according to the will of God. Even when you don’t know what you need – you can still be certain that the Holy Spirit is automatically breathing His prayers for you before God’s throne – both to keep your faith alive, and to make your needs known to God.

Without the “Living Water” of the Holy Spirit, your faith would quickly suffocate, your soul would shrivel up and die, there’d be no life in you at all – only eternal death! But the Good News for you this morning is that Christ gives this “Living Water,” freely and abundantly. He does not use a quick-paced voice to rattle off an indiscernible disclaimer, nor does He put conditions on it like some people will tell you. Conditions like, before you receive the Holy Spirit, first you must do something, whether you “surrender your life to Him,” or “empty your spirit,” or “obey Him totally”—things like this force you with the Law to come to God first. But Jesus says: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Christ has already given you His “Living Water” like a fountain that springs up into everlasting life. It is here before you today to drink deeply, so that in heaven you will finally see and experience what a priceless blessing it really is.

In the Name of the Father and of the ✝ Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Purple Altar Parament

Purple Altar Parament

Ex.17:1–7 you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it
Psalm 95:1–9 Today, if you will hear His voice: Do not harden your hearts
Rom. 5:1–8 while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
John 4:5–30, 39–42 the well in Samaria “we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ…”

Do Not Fear

Window at Grace Lutheran, Rialto

Window at Grace Lutheran, Rialto

“Let not your hearts be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me.” (John 14:1; read the whole chapter!)

What’s worse? The infamous bat-virus, or the world-wide fear that has gripped the world and dominated our news channels? We in the flock of our Good Shepherd, Jesus, have a message for a world that is wrapped in fear of infection and death—Christ has overcome the world! All evils, including pestilence of various kinds, will come to an end. Our Savior endures forever, and we prevail with Him!

Do we need to be smart? Of course. Do we need to use the reason God gave us and keep in mind the best ways to show love to our neighbor? Absolutely! But fear need not be included in our equation as we address the issues surrounding Coronavirus or the COVID-19 disease that comes from it. There’s one thing to take a health risk seriously, and another to panic as though God has somehow lost control. Over a hundred references in the Bible include the words “Do not fear.” God our Creator (or His messenger) says that in most of the quotations. What God says, that gets done. It’s been that way since day one and He said, “Let there be light.”

The world is looking for salvation from pestilence. We have it! Jesus Christ is our healer and our refuge, and our strength. We’re going to keep having church, because that’s what you do. You pray to your Lord and Savior, who has power over heaven and earth, and you receive His free gifts. Will you be insulated from disease or any other evil? No. But you weren’t promised a bubble to live in on earth, you were promised a vast mansion, living in your Father’s house for eternity!

Whatever you may think about this emergency situation, there is this one thing: Tomorrow, March 15, has been declared a National Day of Prayer. Our president, of whom no one has a neutral opinion whatsoever, has urged us, Christians especially, to pray for our nation. That we shall do. I will include a special prayer in a time of national emergency at the beginning of our Divine Service. I pray you will join us, and join constantly in the only remedy to fear, which is faith that trusts in the blood bought forgiveness and life of our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

The Lord be with you, and Do not fear!

Pastor Mark B. Stirdivant
Pastor, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Resources for your consideration:
Missouri Synod President’s encouragement.

Interesting history of Martin Luther’s response to an outbreak of plague in Wittenberg.

Sermon for the Second Sunday in Lent: March 8, 2020 jj

Rev’d Mark B. Stirdivant, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Yucaipa, California
✝ sdg ✝



Abraham must have been hearing things. This idea about having a son in our nineties has to be considered an impossible dream now. So Sarah thought. We have to make our plans and take care of affairs so that more problems won’t arise. We can’t wait for God to act anymore. So she gave Hagar to Abraham, and she conceived for him a son. God helps those who help themselves? Apparently not, according to this story! Hagar’s son Ishmael was not of the promise, but of the law, of bondage to doubt towards God. He and his seed would be the troublers and persecutors of the children of Abraham. He too would father a great and powerful nation, but Abraham and his succeeding generations will learn under the pain of constant strife to lament this decision in which Abraham took matters into his own hands. Middle-Eastern history and current events bear this out through the ages and to this very day.

Then at age ninety-nine and still childless with Sarah, Abraham continued to hope in the Lord. The foolish sign of circumcision was given– Abraham, and his son Ishmael, and all the men of his house, were to go under the circumcision knife by God’s command. Yet again, the unbelievable promise was renewed, “You shall be a father of many nations, and you shall be called Abraham. I will make you exceedingly fruitful. Also I give to you and your descendents after you all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” Sarah shall bear to you a son, Isaac, at this set time. A foolish ritual, a promise of nations coming forth from a so-named “father of many” who yet remains childless, and a child from a mother whose age puts her beyond the ability to bear children; and yet the knife cuts, Abraham believes, with perhaps a few questions still in his mind, and Sarah just plain laughs.

Still, the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken. She conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time which God had appointed. And the promise was made flesh, you could say. Then when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the child, his name was called Isaac, the name given in remembrance of their laughter. Although it took many years to fulfill, the promise came through just as the Lord’s Word had said it would. Even though Abraham stumbled and Sarah laughed, God in His undeserved grace made them the ancestors of all who believe, now including you, and all heirs of eternal life.

With a memorable story like this, you would think that loyal descendants of Abraham would never doubt the Lord’s Word and promise ever again. Not so with Nicodemus! He was much more receptive to Jesus than most of the Jewish council, but still he had his doubts and questions. He met with Jesus by night because of his fear, but he could also be doing his best to protect Jesus also. It seems that he arranged this clandestine meeting while the Lord was in the city of Jerusalem, celebrating the Passover- always a big event on Jesus’ calendar. With the Passover liturgy and message fresh in his head, this thoughtful teacher of Israel may have caught the obvious references to Christ’s own giving up of His life and Nicodemus wanted to talk further with the Lord about His miraculous signs.

But the interview suddenly takes an unexpected turn that throws the learned man off. He wanted Jesus to talk more about how He has fulfilled Scripture, or how it could be that He is the true Son of God like people are saying about Him. It’s like Jesus cut him off at the knees and said the very thing He knew was on that puzzled man’s heart. Nicodemus was still trapped in a system that insisted on following the rules and laws of God in order to gain eternal life. He thought Jesus could help him out of this difficulty. Just like Abraham thought the Lord’s promise would finally come if he were to take Hagar to be his “baby mama” for hire, so Nicodemus reeled back at the demand Jesus put forth: “Unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” The only word he could hear is the one that makes it an impossibility—that’s the word “again.” When you say that, you might as well have said to him, you too will have a son when you’re 100 years old!

But the point Jesus was making was centered in the word “born” more so than on the word “again.” When Nicodemus objected to that shocking statement, he immediately thought of biological logistics. He said: “How can a man enter his mother’s womb a second time to be born?” You see? All he’s thinking about is, “again.” Jesus, on the other hand, is talking more about being born, born another way—a spiritual way. This is the way He came to this world to provide for all those who believe on His name, as John wrote: “He gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but [born] of God.” (John 1:12-13) Without that kind of birth, no one is going to enter the kingdom of God.

That kind of birth is called being born of water and the spirit. It’s baptism. It takes the Gospel, plainly stated in John 3:16, and it pours it out into your lap, or actually, on top of your head. Think about it—God loved me and gave me His Son, so if I’m a believer, I will have eternal life. If John 3:16 is learned all by itself, that’s okay, but remember that that single verse by itself does not repeat an important point Jesus made earlier in chapter 3—an unstated link, which is: how do I become a believer? Some Christians would then answer that question, you become a believer once you commit your life for sure to Jesus. Others guess that you need to do certain steps of penance first. The Bible says: be baptized, and the Holy Spirit will give you the faith to believe in the Name of Jesus. Not that obeying God’s command to be baptized earns you any points, it’s rather more like Christ is saying, I’ve got it all done for you. The check is written and the money is guaranteed in the bank. Sign your name, and it’s yours, no strings attached!

Does your heart accept this simple, Gospel truth, despite what your day-to-day painful experience tells you? Then that’s an Abraham faith. Or do you fix your attention instead on some part of what you hear today that just doesn’t make sense, or that in your guilt you think, if I were God, I wouldn’t accept me, not after what I’ve done or how I’ve lived. Maybe your anger at God or someone else solidifies the impression you get that it’s all just too good to be true. That’s a Nicodemus-style skepticism.

You have probably found yourself somewhere in between those two. Nicodemus needed time to digest the precious Gospel Word that he heard late that one night. He got up the courage a little later to question why the Jewish council was not giving Jesus and His teachings the privilege of due process. (John 7:51) By the time the Great Passover sacrifice event happened on Calvary’s hill, Nicodemus was ready to believe and act on that faith. John says in the Gospel that it was Nicodemus who provided the spices to anoint Jesus’ body as He was laid in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. (John 19:39) God’s Word may take its time to sink in for you, too. Wait for God to act, like Abraham had to wait patiently in faith. Resist the urge to take things into your own hands. But for today, for now, know this for certain: you have been born of water and the Spirit. You were brought forth, you could say, from the womb of Christ’s Bride and you are assured from His own mouth that you are forgiven, and you are God’s child. Believe it. This is your gift. Let your Nicodemus questions turn aside. Your Abraham faith, shining through your present weakness, will be counted in your Father’s sight as righteousness, full acceptance, Christ’s own perfection counted as yours.

It will still seem foolish. An impossible dream, perhaps. The questions may still come to your mind. Your weakness of the flesh will lead to stumbling. But your faith will endure, because it is not your own, it is God’s gift to you; your heavenly destination rests on His grace. It was not true only for Abraham—you are counted as righteous too. You did not work, you did not commit your life, you simply admitted the truth: I am a sinner, and you rested firm, believing against all hope, in the knowledge that Christ came to save sinners. That means neither your sin, nor anything else you can think of, will ever prevent Divine grace from making you forgiven, pure and whole again, this very day and forever. Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one against whom the Lord will not count his sin. You shall not perish, but have eternal life.

In the Name of the Father and of the ✝ Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Purple Altar Parament

Purple Altar Parament

Gen. 12:1–9 So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him
Psalm 121 I will lift up my eyes to the hills
Rom. 4:1–8, 13–17 Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
John 3:1–17 a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus … but that the world through Him might be saved.

Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent: March 1, 2020 jj

Rev’d Mark B. Stirdivant, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Yucaipa, California
✝ sdg ✝



All the Lord’s ways are mercy and truth (from Tobit 3:2). That sounds pretty straightforward, easy to believe, right? God does all of that good stuff. I want the good stuff, so I believe in God. That’s a very shallow way to think of faith, but sadly, it is quite popular in our culture. Many Christians, including Lutherans, can get lured into believing some form of the idea of Karma. I know the name “Karma” comes from the Hindu religion, so right away you can perceive that it’s off-base somewhere in its philosophy, but really, all you’re concerned about is some kind of justice that’s gotta be out there in the world. That somehow those bad people are going to get what’s coming to them. That if you do enough good things, that you’ll get your reward eventually. I know that’s a tantalizing thing to believe, and it gives you great mileage in making you feel good when everything in your life seems cruel and unfair. But there are times when even Karma is not going to give you relief. There is no promise from God’s Word that backs up a hope that Karma, or whatever you call it, will settle everything. There is a promise from God’s Word about Jesus, and it is only in Him that we find God’s mercy and truth, yes, and even His justice.

Most Christians are very puzzled by the Gospel report of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. If He couldn’t sin, then why was He tempted? If our Lord was going to do battle with Satan, then why didn’t He strike him and his minions down with a walloping battle assault? All this fasting He did, suffering, hungering and quoting Scripture words seem so weak, unassuming. If you tried that, you would be laughed off as defensive and wimpy. What did Jesus do to deserve such disgraceful treatment? The idea of Karma would make no sense here! And wouldn’t it be better for the Lord to bring an end to all suffering, or at least to shield His own children more effectively and absolutely from the assaults and crafts of the devil? We are exposed to all the tricks of the ancient enemy, and it doesn’t make logical sense that we feel left out on our own in this world. But the Lord’s logic exceeds our understanding. His foolishness is wiser than our wisest wisdom. And His ways are not our ways. For all His ways are mercy and truth.

And that is how we must hear today’s Gospel of our Lord’s temptation, His testing. Not as some mythical story of good versus evil. Not as the first skirmish in the great battle between God and the devil. And certainly not as an example for what techniques and weapons we should employ when we fight our own battles, what courage we should muster, and what perseverance is required when we battle the devil, our own sinful flesh, the world’s various temptations it throws at us, our physical infirmities and the demons that torment our heart and mind.

This is a story of Our Lord’s mercy. He gives clear evidence that He has, and that He will, freely engage and beat back the devil for us. We don’t have that assurance whenever we assume that some justice out there in the great big universe is going to come around someday. Jesus shows that His promise to be for us is not an empty promise. He pointedly enters our fray, and immerses Himself in our misery. He put on your flesh, He fought your battle against the devil and sin. And He proves that He can and has overcome not just some evil forces, but the very devil that taunts and haunts you. He won your victory.

What you have heard today, then, is the beginning of your salvation. For until now in the Church Year, the continuing story since Christmas has all been promise and expectation, pledge and hope. But when the Spirit that came to Jesus at His baptism shoves Him out into the wilderness, when the Father inserts His Son into the middle of the devil’s playing field, plopped him down into Satan’s video game, when the Lord makes Himself vulnerable to demonic and diabolic tricks–then He begins to come through on His promise; then hope becomes real; and then the Word and pledge for your forgiveness and everlasting life comes true.

Yet you still may be tempted to hear this story as history–a true event, of course, but it took place long ago and it has meaning today only because it changed the course of events way back then. But the Lord’s mercy is not mere history. And His ways are not simply past events to set the world straight, or just evidence to prove that He can do it.

When Our Lord enters the wilderness to battle Satan, you must see that the Lord is entering your own wilderness. Not just some deserted place in Judea, but the desolation of your own heart and mind—all that hurts you, all that you have used to afflict others, that is what the Lord enters, makes His own, and suffers. As the Psalms continually pray, the Lord plants Himself squarely in our muck, our slimy pit, our mire and the filth we have made. He sits in the dust and ashes with us. He descends to the lowest part of our personal hell. He wraps Himself in the things that trouble us so deeply that we cannot find the words to confess or explain them. That is our wilderness. And there is Our Lord, in the midst of it, taking on our devils, fighting back our demons.

That is the Lord’s mercy. As you are hearing the Gospel today, that’s what’s going on in your heart to create it new again. I’m not lecturing about Divine blessing coming down mysteriously from on high. No philosophy of Karma coming around and rewarding good and bad as if there were some necessary balance between those two. I don’t give you simple words of comfort, vocal sounds that are psychologically proven to settle the mind and ease the heart. This is what you’re getting today, right now: The Lord Jesus becomes your sin, bearing your infirmities and weaknesses, washing them away in your Baptism and Absolution, enduring your grief, living your hell, dying your death. All the Karma that the universe can muster came crashing down on His shoulders, requiring Divine Justice solely from His nail-pierced hands!

And in the midst of that, He says, as the hymn sings:
Hold fast to Me,
I am your Rock and Castle;
Your Ransom I Myself will be,
For you I strive and wrestle;
For I am yours and you are Mine,
And where I am you may remain;
The Foe shall not divide us.

That is the Lord’s way. And there is the Lord’s mercy for you. Not in some spectacular-looking battle between the forces of good and evil. But Jesus is right there in your wilderness, battling your devils, fighting back your demons, undoing your messes, and holding you so tightly to Himself that hell, death, devil and anything else cannot and will not snatch you from His hand. It looks to us like losing, but really, our Lord, the Word made flesh, quoting the written Word that you have today in your hands, He has won! The Bible does tell you so.

That is how you should hear today’s Gospel. For it is not just another religious story. It is the Lord sending His Son to have mercy on you. It is the Lord’s Word and sure mercies overcoming your greatest fears. It is the Lord placing Himself squarely between you and the things that threaten to undo you. It is the Lord giving you more than what Karma can ever give you—you have His strength where you have no strength. It is the Lord enduring and persevering even though your hopes fade and your faith wavers. Never fear, for all the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth.

And if that is not enough when you are really suffering a trial, remember that there are also the holy angels who minister not only to Jesus, but He sends them also to serve you. Once, you were alone and without hope – helpless before the threefold enemies of your old sinful nature, this fallen world, and the devil. But now, with all the hosts of God’s kingdom, you too are able to sing with joy the words Martin Luther penned so long ago in celebration of the blessed victory of the Savior for us all:

“Though devils all the world should fill,
all eager to devour us,
we tremble not, we fear no ill,
they shall not overpower us.
This world’s prince may still scowl
fierce as he will.
He can harm us none,
he’s judged; the deed is done;
one little word can fell him.

The Word they (our enemies) still shall let remain,
nor any thanks have for it.
He’s by our side upon the plain (of our battle)
with His good gifts and Spirit.
And take they our life,
goods, fame, child, and wife,
though these all be gone,
our victory has (still) been won.
The kingdom ours remaineth.”

In the Name of the Father and of the ✝ Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Purple Altar Parament

Purple Altar Parament

Gen. 3:1–21 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field
Psalm 32:1–7 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven
Rom. 5:12–19 through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men
Matt. 4:1–11 Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted