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January 22, 2017 – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany

From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:

Our reading is Isaiah 9:1-4 (6-7)
A pastor is called to preach
the pure Word,
what God has given us
in 66 books.
We read: The people who walked
in darkness Have seen a great light;
as when Gideon led his army
with trumpets and torches. (Judges ch. 7)
Of the Increase of His
government and peace
There will be no end.

Yellow Epiphyllum

Yellow Epiphyllum

January 15, 2017 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:

Our reading is John 1:29-42
Behold the Lamb of God,
who takes away
the sins of the world!
This is the Son of God.
We have found the Messiah.
Think back to the lamb
sacrificed for Passover,
then look forward to the Lamb
sacrificed on Calvary.
And so, we, the lost lambs, were found.
And the pastors are instructed
to feed and tend the sheep.

Mammillaria Cactus

Mammillaria Cactus with pink flowers

January 1, 2017

From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:

Our readings are Luke 2:21 and Eph. 3:23-29
Jesus shed His first blood
at His circumcision.
His active ministry began
at His Baptism.
It was fitting,
to fulfill all righteousness.
We are buried with Him
in baptism, and raised with Him.
We have His righteousness, that is,
we can ‘put on Christ’
as a garment that is given us.

Swallow and Young

Swallow and Young

December 18 – Advent 4

From Pr. Holm’s sermon:

Our reading is from Isaiah 7, v10-17
God with us.
As with Judah under the reign of Ahaz.
Our faith is not great,
We are truly sinners,
Our enemies are arrayed against us,
and we’re not sure we’re OK or
that we will last.
In the midst of this,
God is gracious toward us;
and He is with us.
He is with us
in our Baptism,
in the Lord’s Supper,
in the preaching of the Word.
Soli Deo Gloria.

Purple African Violet

Purple African Violet