From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
John the Baptist came
to prepare the way for Jesus Christ.
We take the same message
to the world –
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Matthew 3:1–12
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
John the Baptist came
to prepare the way for Jesus Christ.
We take the same message
to the world –
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Matthew 3:1–12
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
Andrew and his brother,
Simon Peter, were the first disciples
called by Jesus.
Matthew 4:18-22
The disciples were call ‘apostles’,
Sent to preach the Gospel to the world.
Pastors today hold the Apostolic Office,
of preaching the Gospel.
As Christians heard the Gospel
from the Apostles, so also
We can hear the Word preached
and tell our neighbors the Good News.
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
Dress up as Jesus –
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 13:11-14
Empower us, God, to live
Your good and gracious will.
Lead us, God, to live
wholesome lives, and
set us right when we stray.
Jesus has given us righteousness,
as clothes to wear, and so,
we are heirs of eternal life.
Let us so live,
until He comes again!
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
The Pilgrims’ day of Thanksgiving
reminds us of the
Feast of Tabernacles. (Lev. 23:34-44)
In our Epistle (Phil. 4:6-20),
Paul thanks the church in Philippi
for their concern for him.
Paul can be content
in all circumstances,
whether rich or poor…
To our God and Father be glory
forever and ever. Amen.
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
We have all felt it in our hearts –
that it is useless to serve God.
The LORD makes a note of those
who fear Him and esteem His name.
He calls them His Treasured Posession.
God acted for us greatly
in not sparing His own Son.
He makes us righteous by His Holy Spirit
when we do not see it.
So we should continue to serve Him,
that we were bought with a price.
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
Our Gospel reading today
is scary, but
we know there is both
foreboding and joy.
Foreboding, but this is
our opportunity to bear witness.
Foreboding of great destruction
and persecution.
Joy that
our redemption draws near.
So then,
Follow Jesus at whatever cost.
Hear His words continually
and be led by them.
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
Our reading brings us
before the throne of God.
Honor God for the salvation
He so freely gives.
Honor God for the worship
the martyrs give now.
Honor God for the joy
the martyrs have now
and the joy
to which we look forward.
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
The 3 Solas:
Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone.
The truth about our world,
God’s promises, Direction in life.
Sola Fide – Faith Alone.
Faith = Believing.
By faith, we are justified – found not guilty.
Sola Gratia – Grace alone.
Our works cannot justify us.
What Jesus did for us justifies us.
And so we are found not guilty,
and saved, a free gift.
From Pr. Hendry’s sermon:
From the very first generation,
Man has needed God’s mercy.
Cain, a murderer, received a mark
so that he would not be attacked
as he wandered the earth.
We sinners are also marked,
with the blood of Christ,
a sign of great mercy.
When God looks at us,
He sees His Son.